Barefoot Design Shows Artisanal Concrete Sinks at Greenfest

Barefoot Sink1 bed bath
Don’t think of concrete when you think of artisanal handcrafts? These sinks custom-created by Barefoot Design might change you mind.
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Imagine seeing water splash on this gorgeous fossil as you wash your hands. The spiral of the shell fossil echoes the movement of water.
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This is just one example of the artisanal handcrafted concrete sinks shown at Greenfest in San Francisco this year by Keelin Kennedy of Barefoot Design, whose intention in each piece she creates is to manifest her reverence for the lessons that the natural world provides.
Sustainable aspect? Concrete lasts for thousands of years. These sinks will last as long as the concrete aqueducts built in Caesar’s time. Whether the house it is in will too… that’s another story!

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